Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jumping Through Hoops

LKW - "When jumping thru HOOPS expect the same result you had prior to taking that leap, which is simply landing with 2 feet on the ground." ~ Mr. LST ♥

LST-ISM: Often times when we go "over and beyond" for an individual we expect an "over and beyond" result. When we don't get this result we tend to refrain from displaying those efforts in the future.

Learn to do things for people because you WANT to vs feeling as though you NEED to and you will avoid that unappreciative feeling that we sometimes have when we don't get that "over and beyond" reaction for our "over and beyond" efforts.

The Ah-Ha: When GOD answers our prayers HE still remains the same GOD no matter how "over and beyond" his actions where. Because many times we don't SHOW how appreciative we are for what he has truly blessed us with in our life..

Glad he keeps giving no matter what..

Mr. LST  ♥

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