Have you ever encountered individuals who tend to have unworkable dreams, goals, and expectations? Maybe one who pretends to be “Cinderella” or “Prince Charming”, yet at the stroke of midnight they are forced to revert back to their less than stellar selves. Presenting a false image or perception of one’s self is the simplest way to be revealed as a person in disguise which will never warrant real results.
Often time’s people feel the need to portray an illusion that will hopefully put them in a better position whether it is at work, amongst friends, or with family members. In actuality this may bring forth short term rewards, but it can also foster long term setbacks. I have learned that it is best to be who you are. Present the true individual in the beginning and be upfront about those concerns and issues that could possibly have a major effect on a relationship.
This false presentation is often found in the male gender because many believe you must possess and display material gain to entice a woman to engage in a friendly conversation. However, the real person contains the substance that will keep her attention for a life time. Many of the male gender will purchase new cars, homes, and fine clothes not for the purpose of satisfying self, but to gain the eye of that certain woman. In my opinion this stance is perceived and demonstrated differently by the female gender. Many women will venture out to purchase a handbag, blouse, or a new pair of shoes solely for self pleasure. These particular women seek those items to please themselves which is why most women enjoy shopping where as most men do not.
Even though Cinderella and Prince Charming were characters in fictional stories I feel this act of having a false persona pertains more to the male gender. Since the beginning of time it has been a man’s duty to “court” the woman. This has caused many men to choose to present the “Cinderella” effect to win her heart. Ladies, do not be so quick to conclude that this story does not have a shoe that fits your foot as well. Many women tend to portray an image that does not represent who they are as they attempt to attract the “good man”.
Simply put, be you all the time and communicate the truth not fictional stories that revert back to factual realities at the stroke of midnight.
Leading, Sharing, & Teaching: Love one heart at a time – LST
Marco Walder
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