Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Relationship Window of Opportunity

Have you ever wondered when your time will come to enjoy a healthy long lasting relationship? Maybe you keep telling yourself, “It’s not my time” or how about the all time favorite, “I’m waiting on God to send me my mate.” Well let me open your mind to this possible perspective. As I pondered on the word, “time” it led me to entertain the word “timing”.

Have you ever looked at meeting the right person as a situation that will definitely come within a certain window of opportunity? I believe a man and a woman have a certain time frame that opens and provides them with the best situation possible when it comes to finding one they are equivalent too or as many say, “equally yoked” with. This window opens multiple times throughout a person life; however it is up to the individual to make the best of it.

In this window frame of opportunity you have a chance to grow and connect or the risk of possibly sacrificing valuable time with someone who really didn’t deserve it. The biggest players in this game are Mr. and Mrs. Maturity. As I think about the very essence of the word it is not a secret that research and studies have proven women mature more rapidly than men. This could play a huge role when it pertains to relationship maturity and a person’s window frame of opportunity.

As we keep the maturity aspect in mind let’s apply this to dating and seeking a life long mate. The level of maturity an individual elevates to is usually the main reason why a relationship succeeds or fails. This can cause those who experience numerous failures to avoid dating and seeking a relationship because we as human beings can only take so much before we begin to resent the very notion of desiring something that continues to bring us pain and heartache.

In my opinion most mature women desire something concrete and real as they enter their late 20’s heading to their early 30’s. By this time most mature women have attained numerous personal goals and aspirations and now want a family and the fairytale lifestyle that many grew up hearing and dreaming about. However, most men during this age frame are not ready for those commitments and are not mature enough to truly understand their role as a man, husband, and father. As I like to say, “We were sowing our royal oats” which could lead to divorce or an unhealthy relationship. So if a mature woman is fortunate enough to be found by a mature man who is equipped mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially enough to handle the responsibilities that come along with those given titles during this time frame she is a lucky one.

As we take a look at the man. Most men start to reach a level of relationship maturity in their early 30’s as they grow closer to being 40. By this time life has revealed his purpose and he embraces his opportunity not only to become one with life, yet to be a husband and a father. During this period he will also desire a mature woman who aspires to be a wife and a mother. So if a mature man is fortunate enough to find a mature woman who is equipped mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially  to start a family with and live an abundant life he is also a lucky one. Unfortunately, by this time many women who are single may provide various reasons not to connect with this individual. Many have probably been married before and are now divorced. They may have been involved in an unhealthy relationship that they have not healed from. Some could possibly have children and do not desire more. Others may be at a place of independence where a life long relationship does not have the same zest on it as it did 5 or 6 years prior. Then you may have those who have been through so much that being married is nowhere in the equation because of what they have had to overcome and it is not worth risking where they are now which is a place or peace and tranquility.

This really makes me believe as we mature, grow, and become of age we have windows of opportunity that open and close when it comes to finding a life long mate. This means that we have to really continue to work on making sure “self” is ready to receive our blessing when it presents itself. This means recycling the negative baggage that one may be still clinging on too. It means being open minded to different things as it pertains to dating and relationships and just simply helping God by doing your part as it pertains to doing his will and he will reward your efforts. So continue to work daily on being a better you and don’t be surprised when your life long mates comes crawling through that window of opportunity that God will provide for you. There are millions of great people who desire what you desire and the awesome thing is you only need one to be mature enough to have a long lasting relationship.

Visit www.marcowalder.com and order his book:
"Let's Stay Together" - Dating Made Simple for the New Millennium
* Hard Copy - $12.99 plaus Tax and S/H

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