Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Power of Pain by Mr. LST

The one thing that can instantly capture an individual’s attention is the sudden feeling of pain. Pain is something many people hope to avoid throughout life, yet few have live to do so. Pain has slipped in and out of the lives of everyone. The feeling of pain can linger within an individual until the end of time.

Often when we think of the word “pain” we visualize it in the physical form. For instance, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, or bumping the “funny bone” in which I have yet to find funny are examples of physical pain. However, we will take our focus of the word pain into a broader sense. We will discuss pain as it pertains to one’s emotional and mental state.

Pain has destroyed homes and ruined lives of millions. Pain is that one thing that can attack a persons mind, body, and soul. When we think of pain, seldom do we view it with a positive light. It frequently brings about a sense of darkness that many have not been able to remove from their day to day lives.

Pain motivates an individual to withdraw, to protect, or to avoid. The pain that is felt from a relationship can cause an individual to withdraw from future opportunities to find that life long love. The pain from a relationship can influence an individual to protect their heart and guard their feelings by closing off their emotional pathway from favorable suitors. The pain from a relationship can cause an individual to shun all the gifts of life that await them because they will run from any situation that could possibly recreate that unpleasant feeling.

A common word we usually associate with pain is suffering. Suffering can come in all degrees of intensity from mild to moderate. Suffering is the major key that ignites a negative mindset many associate with pain. If a person aspires to heal from a particular pain their suffering must be redirected to focus on creating a positive result and a positive outcome verses settling for a negative one

In order to do this one must attack pain the same way pain attacks an individual, one place at a time. A person must first heal their mind by changing the way they view each painful situation and event that occurred. Take those negative thoughts and create positive solutions. Next, they must free their body. Many individuals allow pain and suffering to compromise their health. They allow this to happen by not maintaining a regular workout schedule, a healthy diet, and attempting to drown their sorrows in alcohol. With all these combined it could lead to more severe health complications. Finally one must allow their spirit to be moved. Their spirit must be moved in a direction that is aimed to uplift, motivate, and inspire change. This individual must regain the faith that God or their particular higher power is in control and trust that anything they have been through was meant for their better good.

If an individual truly desires to heal they can not be afraid to reveal their wound. Revealing the wound allows for proper actions to take place to remove the pain. As long as there is pain the wound will never heal and that individual will continue to live a life filled with negative pain and suffering.

The Ah-Ha: No Pain, No Gain …. Allow your pain to be your gain…


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