An angry mind is a narrow mind. Where your mind goes your body will follow. --- Peace is Love ---
Add PEACE to your TALK and WALK and watch PEACE come over your LIFE --
Mr. LST ♥

Dr. Walder strives to be a voice of hope and possibility through his educational tutoring, inspirational speaking, life-skills and NCAA rules and regulations workshops, self-help books and much more. Relying on a spiritual foundation, Marco’s intention is to motivate and inspire people from all walks of life as they seek to endure and overcome their daily struggles and continue to grow and enhance their lives.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Purpose vs. Passion
Ask yourself, how does what you do for others make YOU feel....
That is your PURPOSE...
What activities, jobs, or tasks would YOU like to be doing to gain that feeling.. That is your PASSION..
Remember your PURPOSE is what fuels your PASSION so when you feel yourself running on E resort back to your PURPOSE to keep you going...
Mr. LST ♥
That is your PURPOSE...
What activities, jobs, or tasks would YOU like to be doing to gain that feeling.. That is your PASSION..
Remember your PURPOSE is what fuels your PASSION so when you feel yourself running on E resort back to your PURPOSE to keep you going...
Mr. LST ♥
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
When you start to experience success the question is not what is wrong with what I'm doing, but what is RIGHT with what I'm doing. - E. Thomas
Change your mindset in order to change your actions if you want a different result -- 90/10
Change your mindset in order to change your actions if you want a different result -- 90/10
Monday, November 26, 2012
Is Your Pool Cursed
Striving for perfection often brings forth imperfections in which the world tries to exploit for the sake of destruction. Often many individuals fail in the realm of developing there own individual portal which in turn drives them into the pool of self shame. Jealousy becomes mans worst enemy picking, scratching, and clawing to tear down the temple in which one has constructed.
Acts 13:45 states, “When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying.” Proverbs 27:4 states “Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? “
Which leads my heart to believe that jealousy is the cause of self inflicted pain and struggles of most individuals. My question for you is what’s the difference between a boy being a man and a man being a boy? The boy that strives to be the man recognizes his flaws in life and thrives to master his mental and physical limitations, not to please the world, but to please the almighty king. The boy that strives to be the man absorbs knowledge from those who look to uplift the overall foundation of the individual, but also the spiritual portion which guides the wondering soul while on its journey for righteousness. Now on the other-hand the “Man” that’s struggling to be a man thrives on the perfections of other men trying to supplement their attributes for his on imperfections. This man is not at peace with himself mentally, physically, or spiritually. As an act of trying to please the boy he’s losing the battle of being a man. So he struggles with all situations that question whether he’s a man.
Instead of seeking guidance and restitution he thrives on cursing all those who are fighting to reach their goal of transitioning from a boy to a man. This person sounds similar to a demon that also prey’s on the man because he also knows that “man” is his way of supplementing for qualities he lacks. This type of man is usually found in the midst of certain transitions and struggles that are or have occurred in his life that are bringing strong doubts about which he chooses to put his faith in. This individual man often at times puts his faith in another man hoping that this individual uplifts him to a status that will comfort the pain. The individual who’s on the journey for righteousness puts all his faith in the Lord because he knows whether he’s famished or not, the Lord will provide not just comfort but nourishment for the mind, body, and soul. Change reveals an individuals true character. If an individual is afraid to change this individual has failed in life. Change is inevitable; the process must take place if growth is desired within the heart.
Which means that an individual must have a “maintenance plan” for his or her life? This plan is crucial if overall growth is to take place. The plan must consist of certain qualities and characteristics that not only compliment the individual, but also challenges the individual’s impurities. The plan can not be developed alone, even though it’s birthed internally and imbedded in the wound of the individual. In order for the individual to implement the plan they first must be “Freed Up”. The individual must be freed up from all man made struggles first, in order to be evaluated, cleansed, analyzed, and redirected to make sure that the individual can and will remain on course to overall growth. You may be asking yourself who’s over the “Maintenance Plan?” There’s an individual that oversees the process, handles the process, and completes the process. He’s the chief inspector and nothing goes unnoticed when he does your daily tune-up. You may not receive the results right away, but believe me he has a file where he stores all checkups and evaluations so when its time to review your plan there’s no doubt about the findings.
Exodus 23:1 states "Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness.” Which again reflects back to my title “Is Your Pool Cursed???”
When one door closes another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us. --- Alexander Grahan Bell
LST - Doors will open and close throughout your life so look at each door that closes as the possibility for the right one to open..
LST - Doors will open and close throughout your life so look at each door that closes as the possibility for the right one to open..
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Suffering is the tool GOD uses to prepare you for spiritual treasures -- Pastor B. Carter
Have a great Sunday you guys!!
Have a great Sunday you guys!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures.
~Charles C. Noble
Have a great weekend!! - Mr. LST
~Charles C. Noble
Have a great weekend!! - Mr. LST
Friday, November 23, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 10
Day 10 - TRY - To REPOSITION Yourself daily. We have made it to our
final day in the TRY series. Today we will take everything we have
learned and apply it daily. Allow the previous lessons to guide you
you REPOSITION yourself in the game of life. Often we lose precious
time by staying in the same lane which is leading us to nowhere. Don't
be afraid to change lanes to move past cautious drivers. Patience is a
double edged sword. Having patience in the wrong position is playing
checkers, yet having patience while repositioning yourself is playing
chess. Always look for ways to better yourself. This will enhance you in
the 5 facets that we need to be complete as an individual mentally,
spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally. REPOSITION
yourself in order to increase your Health, Knowledge, and Wealth.
We Are LST ♥
We Are LST ♥
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 9
Day 9 - TRY - To REKINDLE Yourself daily. As many of us venture to spend time with the one's we love to give thanks for what we have, let's not forget those who have not. Seek to bless someone who may be less fortunate. Do an act of kindness, share a smile, offer some encouraging words, or a listening ear to one who may need it. Use today as a platform to reignite a flame that you may struggle to keep burning. Be thankful and appreciative for the little things that many take for granted. Thanksgiving is about giving so use today and everyday as one in which you simply give and say, "THANK YOU" when you receive. These two words are two of few that I know that mean more than, "CHECK CLEARED" :-) ..
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We Are LST ♥
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We Are LST ♥
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 8
Day 8 - TRY - To REDEFINE Yourself daily. Not getting the results you
want in LIFE? Maybe you are doing all that is asked of you and it's
still not enough. Having a hard time finding the career that you w
If so, well in the words of speaker Eric Thomas it may be time for you
to, "REDEFINE YOUR GRIND". Continuing down the road of life and not
recognizing when adjustments need to made is the quickest way to self
destruction. The best coach's are those who can make the best
adjustments. Don't be afraid to REDEFINE your purpose and passion. Give a
new meaning to the phrase, "LIVING LIFE". Allow your heart to be filled
with LOVE and JOY will overflow throughout your spirit. Be the one who
takes the step to adding a new meaning to your LIFE.. Don't be afraid
We Are LST ♥
We Are LST ♥
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 7
Day 7 - TRY - To REBUILD Yourself daily. Tear down the wall of bitterness, hatred, and jealousy and make extensive repairs that will bring you back bigger, better, and stronger. Don't allow yourself to be held hostage to your own self inflicted pain and misery. People can only do what you allow them to do, which means they can only build a wall within you that you allow them to build. Be your on mason of life. Build a wall of joy, motivation, and love. Allow those who become weary on this journey of life to lean on your wall for it is was built on a foundation that is fostered by GODLY views and principles. Rebuild yourself today to endure the storms of tomorrow.
We Are LST ♥
We Are LST ♥
Monday, November 19, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 6
Day 6 - TRY - To RENEW Yourself daily. REST, EXERCISE, and DIET. These
are 3 components that are vital when one attempts to RENEW themselves.
Be sure to allow your body to REST. Make it a task to get 5-8 hours
of sleep a day. I tend to break these hours up throughout the day as
needed to maximize the 24 hours in a day. EXERCISE, you should do some
form of aerobic movements 3-4 times a day for at least 20-30. Don't have
time? Here you go.. Before you shower or take a bath as the water warms
do as many jumping jacks, squats, pushups, high knees, or situps as you
can. Switch up the exercises daily for a quick yet effective workout.
DIET, simply put avoid those foods that are harmful to you. However,
enjoy life yet don't be deprived either. Eat in moderation and slowly
transform your body and diet over time. RENEW yourself and RENEW your
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 5
Day 5 - TRY - To READY Yourself daily. Stay ready so you don't have to
get ready. Create an effective plan that you can practice daily. Allow
this practice to prepare you to maximize each and every opport
you are blessed with. This requires one to SACRIFICE those things that
may be dear to them. For example, SLEEP.. In the words of my boy E.T.,
"SLEEP IS THE NEW BROKE". It is your duty To READY Yourself daily so
you don't have to get ready. So take today as your chance to STAY
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
Friday, November 16, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 4
Day 4 - TRY - To RESURRECT Yourself daily. Bring back to life a dream
that you may have given up on. Bring back into practice a style that
promotes good morals and values. Allow the fact that our Heavenly Father
rose from the dead for US, motivate you to never let anything kill your
spirit or destroy your dreams. It is your duty To RESURRECT Yourself
when life try's to destroy you.
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 3
Day 3 - TRY - To REJUVENATE Yourself daily. The smell of fresh air as
you walk down a country road. The calmness of a gentle breeze as you sit
outside on the balcony. The soothing of soft music as you spend a day
at the spa. Reading a scripture in the morning to uplift and regain your
spiritual focus.These are just a few ways one can stimulate that
youthful and original feeling in one's self. Remember to take time To
REJUVENATE Yourself to enhance your daily life for you only have one to
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 2
Day 2 - TRY - To RESTORE Yourself daily. As we journey throughout life
we will experience numerous flat lines when it pertains to all types of
relationships. Learn to take the first step in order To Restore Yourself
and bring back an existence to those you were once close to. Never burn
a bridge, simply add a road closed sign because you will never know who
you may need one day. This doesn't mean you have to forget, yet we all
should forgive.
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
We Are LST ♥
The 10 Day "TRY" Series by Mr. LST - Coming soon to Video!!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The 10 Day "TRY" Series - Day 1
Day 1 - TRY - To REVIVE Yourself daily. Bring
consciousness back into an unconscious mind, body, or soul. Remember
HE see's the best in you and it is your duty To Revive Yourself so that
you can GIVE the best of you..
We Are LST ♥
We Are LST ♥
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Do You Know Your Purpose by Mr. LST
What is my purpose? What am I going to do with my life? What is my passion? These are powerful questions many individuals will ask themselves at some point in life. Each individual has a purpose in life and it is your mission to find out exactly what yours is. Once you discover your purpose, your life will be changed forever. Discovering your purpose can energize your life. It can inspire and motivate those around you. It can also fill your mind, body, and soul with enthusiasm, love, and joy.
The first step in discovering your purpose is to find your passion in life. This will be your best guarantee for happiness and success: the most successful people are those who love what they do. Seek what you love, and you will find that a life full of happiness can be yours.
I would like to share a brief story with you about a man named James who was employed by a Duke and Duchess in Europe.
One afternoon the Duchess said “James, how long have you been with us”
James replied, “About thirty years, your Grace”
“Now James as I recall you were employed to look after the dog”
James replied, “Yes, that’s correct your Grace,”
Emphatically she said “James that dog died twenty seven years ago”
With a dull look on his face, James said, “Yes, your Grace what would you like me to do now?”
Like James, many people are waiting for someone else to tell them what to do next. Success in isn’t so much determined by where you start, but more or less whether you attempt to start at all. The key is getting started, so let’s get started today!
Many people are given opportunities and chances based on talent. Let us take a minute to dissect this bias word.
Talent is generally considered to be a personal gift possessed by relatively few people. In essence, someone with talent has a certain mental or physical level to do certain things.
Take for instance: Kobe Bryant, Drew Breeze, Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Oscar De la Hoya, and Oprah Winfrey all have talent. Even Larry Platt the creator of the song, “Pants on the Ground” from American Idol has talent and the list can go on and on… However if talent alone were enough then the most effective and influential people would always be the most talented ones.
Talent is not the same as having skill…Skill is something that you work on, something that you try to perfect or even master.
There are 3 essential resources you must have because talent is not enough. First, you must be intelligent. People feel that if you are intelligent you are “smart” and that is totally incorrect. A person who is intelligent is one who is able to understand and comprehend. They also have the ability to choose between, make sense of, or just simply figure out what to do. A person who is smart is able to learn with ease or quickly. Secondly, you must have an imagination. This means being creative or thinking outside the box. Be a dreamer. Thirdly, you must have knowledge. Knowledge is an expertise and skill acquired by a person through experience and education, but only effectiveness turns these into results.
Take for example; when I was growing up I loved to make Kool-Aid. The items needed to make this drink consisted of a container, Kool-Aid mix, sugar, and water. However, in order to produce the desired results I needed the most important item, a spoon.
Let us take a look at a few statistics that may surprise you.
50+% of all CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies had a C or C- average in college
65+% of all U.S. Senators came from the bottom half of the school classes
75% of U.S. Presidents were in the Lower Half Club in School
50+% of Millionaire Entrepreneurs never finished college
A French Poet Edward Pavillion said “Have success and there will always be fools to say that you have talent”.
Many in society assume talent is all it takes. Have you ever seen the guy who was 6ft 7in and many immediately believe he is going to be a great basketball player. Or the lady who is beautiful and has a slender figure and instantly many proclaim her to one day be the next supermodel. How about the guy who is enormous and we think he is automatically going to be a great football player. Maybe the young lady who makes A’s in school without studying and thinks she can easily become a doctor. Always remember, talent is never enough.
The journey to discovering your purpose begins with your mindset. Take a few words from Nike and “Just Do It”. If you fail remember Jay Z’s song, “On to the next one” and do exactly that move on to the next one…
When a person has put a limit on what they will do, they have put a limit on what they can do. Remember; shoot for the moon because even if you miss you will land among the stars.
On your journey to knowing your purpose you are going to encounter a variety of doors. First, let us discuss exactly what a door is and can be. A door is a moveable barrier used to cover an opening. Doors are widely used and are found in walls, on buildings, vehicles, and furniture such as cupboards, cages, and containers. A door can be opened to give access and closed to deny access. Doors are nearly universal in buildings of all kinds, they allow passage between the inside and outside. When open, they allow air and light to enter.
Doors are significant in preventing the spread of fire. They act as a barrier to noise. Doors also have a role in creating an impression of what lies beyond. Doors are often related with ritual purposes, and the guarding or receiving of the keys to a door, or being granted access to a door can have special significance. On your journey you will walk in and out of doors and how you walk in could possibly determine how you should walk out. The three doors that we will discuss pose as a way of change.
Door number one is your past. What is the past? This is the portion of time that has already occurred. I know that many of us have had a past life that you wish to forget. You may have situations and life experiences that you wish you could erase, but you can not. Avoid lingering in door number 1 because it has served its significance in your journey to moving on towards knowing your purpose. Door number two is the present. This is the time that is associated with the events that are happening directly and often referred to as the “now”. This is the door we need to spend some more time in before we move on because once this door is closed we need to make sure that we know our purpose. Before you can clearly know your purpose you must incorporate these 13 key elements into your life.
- Believe - this lifts your purpose
- Passion - this energizes your purpose
- Initiative - this activates your purpose
- Focus this - directs your purpose
- Preparation - this positions your purpose
- Practice this - sharpens your purpose
- Perseverance - this sustains your purpose
- Courage this - tests you purpose
- Teach ability - this expands your purpose
- Character this - protects your purpose
- Relationships - these influence your purpose
- Responsibility - this strengthens your purpose
- Teamwork - which multiplies your purpose
Once you have established these 13 principals you are ready to close the door on the present and journey to door number three which is your future. This is the time period commonly understood to contain all events that have yet to occur in your life. Continue to prepare yourself to enter door number three and with your intelligence, knowledge, and imagination you will effectively convert these 13 principles into positive results that will show the world that you did not make it here on talent alone.
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