Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Real Truth Behind Being Single

Many individuals are remaining single because they are afraid to put in the work and effort that is required to find a satisfying relationship. For example, how many people have you heard complain about unwanted weight, yet never seem to apply those needed disciplines to achieve their goal of weight loss. However, they have hundreds of reasons to why they cannot dedicate themselves to that particular purpose.

In life it is easy to sit back and do nothing and find faulty excuses that validate your reasons for your "unwanted" results or status.

The thought of failure prevents many from rolling their sleeves up and diving all the way in when it comes to finding and receiving that significant other. Many have become comfortable and complacent with the way their live is and will be. Then there are those who casually do everything in life or give a lack luster of interest, yet expect a maximum result. Nevertheless, they can consistently conjure up multiple reason's to remain single, in a particular situation and circumstance, or better yet provide a multitude of excuses to why everyone they have met was not good enough or why their outcome remains the same.

Could it be that one is afraid to give up that individual freedom that the single life and the perspective of change can bring about? Maybe becoming a part of something is an item that really isn't as important as they make it out to be. Whatever the case take ownership for your actions and accept your results because they are directly correlated to you. Your input determines your output. How you begin more than likely predicts how you will end, unless you do what it takes to change; Commit yourself wholeheartedly.

Avoid wasting time on those things and people who just continuously waste your time by casually being involved with you. Those are individuals who do things that don't have a purpose. These are the people who are wasting your time and will hinder you from better results. Surround yourself around those whose purpose is to maximize you instead of minimize. In order to be the best you must do your best and surround yourself with better.

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