As one looks through a telescope something that is so far
away can instantly become so near. Learning to Love another heart that resides
thousands of miles away can test one’s mind, body, and soul.
I once knew of a man who discovered love in an airport minutes
before his flight took to the runaway. He met a lovely lady in the terminal who
left an impression on him that lasted weeks after they both reached their
respective destinations. He felt himself overwhelmed with her potential to be
his life long mate. There was one small problem; he did not have any contact
information for this mirage of an amazing lady and simply knew her as Vicky. So
unfortunately he envisioned her as just a distant memory. Saddened by his
missed opportunity he chose not to pursue this situation because she lived
halfway across the country and for years he was a voice for those who opposed
long distant relationships.
As weeks continued to go by his yearning for this lady began
to get the best of him. Every love movie, love song, or romantic gesture
reminded him of her. Something had to be done. He devised a plan to retract his
steps on that specific day that they met. He located his itinerary that had the
exact date, time, and flight. With help from an inside friend of the airlines
he searched all the flights that were headed to LAX International Airport in
California at the same time his flight was scheduled to depart. His inside
connect provided him with a detailed flight schedule of that particular day. He
remembered that they both were taking the last flight out for that day which
allowed him to figure out the exact flight she was aboard. He knew her first
name, but could not recall her last name. To his fortune she was the only,
“Vicky” on the flight. His inside connect provided him with an email address to
avoid jeopardizing his job any further.
Elated that he had a form of communication he made the best
of it. He hurried home and mixed his favorite cocktail and began pecking away
on his keyboard. He was composing an email that he felt was his one and only
chance to find the treasure that he allowed to slip through his grasps. The
words he was eloquently speaking onto this email took him to a place he had
never visited before, The Land of Love. Before he pressed send he asked God to
place this message on her heart and do what he could not, bridge the gap
between him and love.
As a few weeks passed his faith was growing weary. During an
intense workout at the gym he heard his email alert from his phone which was
sitting over by his gym bag. He pushed out 1 more rep then ventured over to
check his message. To his surprise it was a response from the one who added an
extra beat to his heart. Overjoyed and excited he cautiously opened the message
with a stomach that immediately filled with butterflies. As he read the first
few lines he was feeling the world being pulled right out from under him as she
sought to investigate how he obtained her information. However, as he continued
to read he came across a line that soothed his pain, “I am glad you took the
time to find me as I too have been thinking of you.” The connection was made
and as the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and the connection grew
They agreed to meet with the intent to continue the pursuit
of one another. Ironically, this brought them back to a familiar place where it
all started the LAX International Airport and as plane after plane left the runway
their Love for one another stayed grounded for a life time.
LST-ISM: Don’t allow anything to get in the way of something powerful because you may not get a second chance to make a first impression.
LST-ISM: Don’t allow anything to get in the way of something powerful because you may not get a second chance to make a first impression.
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