Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Safe Than Sorry

In life we have been taught it is better to be "safe than sorry" and that is true for most situations you will encounter. However, it is better to be "sorry rather than safe" for choosing to chase those dreams and goals you desire to achieve.

Always choosing to be "safe than sorry" can possibly prevent you from taking a chance on an opportunity you may never get again. Or giving a person a chance who may not look like a winner in the present, yet their potential, drive, and  ambition could prove otherwise.

This way of thinking can also prevent you from being "thankful and appreciative" for simply having the opportunity to walk in a path that God has created specifically for you. This mindset could prevent you from stepping out on faith and risking it all which could hinder you from breaking down a wall of obstacles in order to reach the outbreak God has for you on the other side.

Live life, be a risk taker, and more than anything believe what is for you will be for you no matter what man may say because He's mighty and with Him you can do all things!! - Dr. Walder

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Education World

Over the many years and stops during my instructional journey I have learned several life lessons. One thing that stands out is many in education have the desire to help kids succeed, yet they commit to doing anything possible to help another fellow educator fail.

Maybe this is because this person is able to build a relationship with kids that they cannot. Is it because they believe test scores confirm who is the best teacher? Maybe this is because this person has attained a higher level of education. It could be because this individual has a position you feel they should not have for whatever reason.

Nevertheless, wishing failure on another fellow coworker will not support the ultimate goal. Instead be the voice that helps them grow. Be the voice that shows them the right way. Be the voice that talks them up before you talk them down.

In order for the kids to learn how to love and understand one another the adults must learn how to love and understand one another and then show it. We are stronger together verses being apart. At the end of the day accolades, degrees, and treasured experiences have no value if the knowledge and information gained is not shared in a cultivating manner.

Dr. Walder

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Check Your Connection

Often times connections are not made because we focus more on why it cannot and should not happen instead of why it can and should happen.

The reason why electrical power will never transfer from the same side is because electrical power needs that opposite side to create a chemical reaction that alters the chemical makeup and with the help of a few electrons it ultimately forces both sides, the negative and the positive to work together to create power also known as change.

However, if we never get that other side that is probably why certain aspects of our life will always seem like there is no power when in actuality we may just need to check our connections and also use that other side.

Dr. Marco Walder

Friday, June 15, 2018

Need Math Tutoring??...

We OWN is offering the DFW are specialized math instruction to those students who will be going to or entering the grade levels 3-5. Techniques and strategies will be TEKS and STAAR focused to increase your students math skills to take them to the next level.

Click on the link below and schedule your success sessions today!!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Student-Athlete

Know The Rules

Calling all Summer Camps, Athletic Organizations, and Student-Athlete Educational Institutions who may be looking to learn more. I am Dr. Marco Walder and I am ready to come to a location near you absolutely FREE to share useful information.
"Know The Rules" is an impactful movement created to share valuable knowledge and current information to assist student-athletes of all ages as they continue to take those necessary steps to one day become a Collegiate Student-Athlete.
Like, Share, and Tag all Athletic Coach's, Athletic Director's, Academic Counselor's, Booster Club's or anyone who may be interested in providing me 15-30 minutes to motivate and share this FREE information. Thank you in advance for your support!!
For more information or to book Dr. Marco Walder inbox or email me at info@otherswillnotice.com