It was another great victory and the fans began to exit the
football stadium. I mingled around for a few moments greeting and thanking our
loyal supporters for sticky with us through another tough season. I hurried
over to give my mom a final hug before I strolled back to the locker room to
celebrate with my teammates. As I jogged up the stadium stairs I saw an
unfamiliar face.
This older gentleman was staring me directly in the eyes with
a slight grin braced upon his face. I smiled
and nodded my head in respect as I continued towards the locker room. The
closer I became I heard the gentleman softly utter, “Many people would rather
have God’s favor, than to be Saved”. I cautiously said, “Excuse me sir”. He
said it again, “Many people would rather have God’s favor, than to be Saved”. At that moment he walked off humming a subtle
tune. I paid it no mind and joined in the celebration with my teammates.
that night as I walked back to my dorm room full of vigor and delight his face
began to appear in my thoughts. His words growing ever so closer to my life. I
stopped and looked up into sky, but no answer was to be found. I dropped my
head to the graveled pavement, but only silent footprints wondered around.
Suddenly I felt the urge to ask myself a question that would reveal something
that would alter my life forever. Am I
willing to leave it all for them to give all of me to Him?
This was actually a dream that I had which spoke volumes to
me. My question to you is are you willing to give up all the earthly gains and man-made
favor that you believe God has given to you in order to give your life to him
and do his will in hopes of one day gaining the ultimate favor which is making
it into the gates of Heaven.
Often times we lose sight of his divine purpose because of
our worldly successes and accomplishments. Our peers start to praise us for the
external awards that they have no internal connection with. Many times those
who glorify our works are only able to see the finished products and their monetary
However, what are you willing to part ways with to grow
closer to Him? Are you willing to give up the glitz and glamour, allow the
world to scandalize your name, but still go with Jesus all the way??
2 Corinthians 8:9 states, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”
2 Corinthians 8:9 states, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”
So again my question to you is are you willing to leave it
all for them to give all of you to Him, he undoubtedly did for us.