On this day, February 21, 2013 I come before the world to say thank you. I want say thank you to my family, friends, and those who supported me after my life changing experience 2 years ago.
I will humbly celebrate the 2 year anniversary or should I say the blessing in disguise that GOD had in store for me when he put a stop to an out of control and selfish life.
On February 21, 2011 I was arrested and charged with a DWI after leaving a restaurant while trying to drown my tears and bitterness in alcohol. Thinking I had the best things in life because I had a great job, was working on a doctorate degree, a house, nice salary, and many of the things most desire and work hard for in life. However, during the process of thinking I was enjoying the good life I lost my connection with those things and the one who should have mattered most.
Ever since that day my life has been truly a blessing and a total transformation that I am proud to be apart of. Being able to see the other side of a mountain allows you to learn that what you may think you want you may not really need.
Being incarcerated for those 16 hours felt more like 16 years and I can honestly say being a societal caged animal is something I dare not strive to get use to. As I spent those hours talking, confessing, and crying out to GOD he spoke back to me with love, compassion, and understanding. He brought one of his children back home.
Many wonder why a smile stays on my face, the reason is simple. When you have been to the bottom and he brings you out providing you a second chance to make the best of a gift you once took for granted why not allow his forgiveness to shine through you daily.
When you are truly appreciative for what GOD has done for you words are not often needed because you will glow daily with joy. You will sparkle as a star in the sky for GOD is the only way when there is no way.
Over the past 2 years I have learned that in order to enjoy LIFE you must love yourself more than worldly goods and pleasures. This is vital in the growth of an individual. Asking GOD for forgiveness is just the start. Praying and wanting his guidance daily is the key ingredient that will enhance your own personal recipe for success. Being able to walk alone before desiring to walk next to someone requires self discipline and honest evaluations that you must make yourself. Being religious is good, yet when you develop that relationship and become spiritual that's when you really see his goodness, no wait, his GREATNESS for GOD is not good all the time he is GREAT all the time.
Often times we wonder why certain things happen to us in our life when really we should just say thank you GOD for you will never make a mistake and you will never leave your children.
I thank that police officer for doing his job and not letting me go when I was wrong for who knows how my situation could have ended. I thank my family for supporting me and staying by my side when all looked like it was lost. I thank my friends for being there when I needed them. I thank the judge for being understanding and allowing me to work off my time with a great group of men who did not judge me, yet embraced me. I thank my lawyer for his efforts and making sure I was able to receive the best verdict possible. I thank my current place of employment for doing what they do everyday for our kids by giving me a second chance.
Most off all I thank GOD for his temporary interruption of my regularly scheduled program as he wanted me to turn back to his channel and gain the nourishment and guidance that I needed in order to be a better man today than I was yesterday.
Yes, I am still a work in progress, yet I am doing just that working to progress.
Blessed Beyond Measure :-)